i have been so busy. it's so unfair! i thought we were supposed to get a lot of money and be bored all the time. i haven't even had time to do my real job (studing japanese that is). hopefully things will slow down a little bit soon.
i went to pottery on monday. it was so cool! i love it and i am definitely going back as much as possible. i made a rice bowl and a cup that turned out to be almost the same size as the rice bowl. oh well, better luck next week. they still aren't completely finished.
today i am off to the doctor...finally. after 2 months or more of complaining about my sneezing and my stuffed and runny nose (it alternates) i have decided to take the adventure. and i am sure it will be an adventure indeed.
oh yeah, jon's finger is healing nicely. no stitches necessary.
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