Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Long time. Again.

Nancy says hi. She's just listening to a CD one of her students gave her to borrow. It's the new one by "Bump of Chicken". That's right folks, there's a band named "Bump of Chicken."

We just got back from taiko. Now that the concert is over its way chill. We just did a few tokka-tokka's, a couple dom-dopa-dom-doppa-dom's and a dom-da-dom-dom and we were outta there. Sweet.

Taiko is probably my favourite part of being in Japan. It's a real release to just hammer away at a drum for an hour-and-a-half every week. Some might call it therapy. It's also cool being part of Japanese culture, getting in with a group and all that jazz.

The conference was really good. It feels like we learned a lot, and were treated like real professionals. I got a lot of great ideas to try in the classroom and have even busted into a few already. I think it makes for a more exciting class for the students if I can contribute something other than what they get every day from the regular teacher. Some of them can be really boring ;-) so I just try to think about what it was like when I was in junior high and we had a visitor. It was awesome! So my job is to be that awesome guy! Since I got fired from studying Japanese (not really, I've just been too busy lately) I think that's a pretty good job.

Well, until next time!