Today was a gooder, especially for a boring old office day. First, I got to go with Hirose and Taka to find the centre line on a piece of property belonging to the school division. Which was cool, because I got to stand outside and listen to people I can't understand, rather than sit inside. After lunch Haruko came for another camera shoot. Her and I and Mr. Otter (so-called because he apparently resembles an otter, which Susaki is famous for considering the last one didn't go extinct right up until 1971, which is a good deal better than the Tokyo otters) visited a bunch of really old trees. The oldest dates about 2000 years and is the 9th biggest tree in Japan. I also saw the biggest such-and-such tree in Kochi. Wow! After that we drove to see a waterfall in Kamibun. It was nice, and so was my day. Good night.
The Amazing Adventures of Jon and Nancy
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