I want to record a conversation from yesterday. Here goes, as far as I can remember:
--- Start conversation ---
a: Do you have wasps in Canada?
me: Yes, but not big ones like here.
b: But I saw on TV about killer bees in North America. Don't you have those?
me: No.
c: But you have dangerous, wild animals in Canada. Canada is famous for wild animals.
me: Yes.
a: What is Canada's most dangerous, wild animal.
me: I don't know. Grizzly bear?
a: So you have a gun? To shoot grizzly bears?
me: No.
c: But don't Canadians all carry guns?
me: No. Some people have a rifle, for hunting.
a: Do you need a license for guns in Canada?
me: Of course.
c: I heard cougars are very dangerous.
me: Do you have a gun?
c: No, I hate guns.
a: I have a sword. In Japan, we need a license for swords. They are treated the same as guns.
me: What about nunchucks, do you need a license for nunchucks?
a: Nun-what?
c: You know, nunchuck. (Pulls out imaginary nunchucks.) Whoopa, whoopa.
a: No, we don't need a license for nunchucks.
me: What about throwing stars?
a: Eh?
b: Eh?
c: Eh?
me: Like what ninja's used to carry. (Pulls out imaginary throwing stars.) Whoop, whoop.
b: Oh no, we don't need a license for those. It's very hard to kill someone with throwing stars, so the ninja's used to poison the tips.
a: Of course, ninja's were well trained in everything. They were real handy at most things.
me: Could a ninja fix my car?
a: Maybe, but there were no cars back then.
me: What about a computer virus? Could he fix my computer?
c: Like bioterrorism?
me: Not really.
b: Ninja's were like secret service. Like spies for expensive businessmen and the samurai. But they didn't have bushido.
a: Ninja's could breath for a long time through a bamboo staw, then come out of the water with their throwing stars and kill everyone in sight.
me: Better be careful. Are there still ninja's?
c: There is a ninja village in northern Japan.
me: Do they need a license there?
a: I don't know.
me: Did you study ninja's in high school?
b: Oh no, we learn about ninja's from the movies.
me: I see. Did you ever know anyone who dated a ninja? Were there women ninja's?
c: Of course, but they were called onnajas. Women ninja's.
me: What about grandma ninja's?
a: Maybe, but mostly the grandma ninja's were in the kitchen.
me: I see. Cooking?
b: Yes. Cooking and sharpening the throwing stars.
a: There is a famous grandma ninja. She was an expert archer.
me: Really? That's interesting. Do you know about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
a: Eh?
b: Eh?
c: Eh?
me: They were these turtles who lived in the sewers in New York City...
b: In America?
me: Yes, in America. Anyway, they got radioactive waste spilled on them, and they turned into ninja's.
a: Radio-hyuh?
me: You know, like uranium is radioactive? Ka-boooom!
b: Ah, I see. No, I don't know about ninja turtles. Are they Japanese?
me: No. American.
--- At this point "d" came in for some Enlgish conversation ---
c: We were talking about ninja's.
me: Do you know about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
d: From Japan?
me: No, they are an American cartoon.
d: Oh, I know. Are there ninja's in Canada?
--- End conversation ---
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