I haven’t told a crazy Japan story in a while, so here goes.
Yesterday’s school lunch was a big bowl of rice, a big bowl of cold ramen (or reiman, as it’s called) a salad and a piece of watermelon. Holy carbohydrates Batman! Am I right?
It was way too much food for me to eat. I stuffed in as much as I could, told the kids I couldn’t eat anymore, and dumped the leftover rice into the garbage. A few minutes later the homeroom teacher came in and started in with the ganbattemashos.
“Come on kids, try your best! You can do it! Stuff that face! Eat that rice!”
The poor kids could barely look at their food, let alone eat it, but eat they did, until every last grain of rice was gone. I’ve seen this happen before where the kids go and throw up into the toilet afterward. I don’t think anyone threw up this time, but there were a lot of stomach aches going around.
Anyone else think this is a little bit strange?
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