Thursday, September 02, 2004

I am either getting a cold or my allergy is in full force today. I feel aweful. I have some medicine from the doctor in Canada that I was holding out on but I think tonight I will start taking it. I can't take this anymore! Hopefully it works quickly.

I have no classes today. I am not sure whether to be happy or bored. Having a class would definitely make the time go by faster. Oh well. I have been studying Japanese so much lately. My head is about to explode. I should take advantage of my free time but I don't think I can stuff very much more into my brain.

My friend, Y-san, tried to rally me up some classes. He asked all the English teachers if they have classes and when they told him they do, he attempted to convince them to bring me to class. He was trying to do me a favour I am sure but it was a bit embarrassing. Today, with the exception of 2 periods is test day so I don't feel too bad about not having class. Plus, my brain is still on holiday.

One of my teachers did get me to mark a whole bunch of the summer homework that she gave to the grade 7 students. It was the first time I have ever corrected any of the student's work so I was really happy to help out and it filled up about 1 hour and a half of my time.

On a side note: one of my students wrote a letter to Emma Watson (the H-girl from Harry Potter) and she wrote back. What is her name in the show again?